We’re excited to share a whitepaper on the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) ecosystem which we’ve been working on with the talented team from the Lufthansa Innovation Hub in Berlin.

You can view / download the full report - 'Mapping the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) ecosystem' as a pdf below:
You can also read through here - we've broken the report down into six short posts:
Part One - 'An Introduction to the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Ecosystem' - we set the scene and introduce our approach to analysing the market with the aid of our knowledge graph - Cloud Empire:
Part Two - 'Mapping the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) ecosystem' - in which we introduce our novel approach to market analysis through network visualisation and begin to explore the complexity of the nascent AAM market:
Part Three - 'Analysing Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Investment Strategies I' - takes a look at Scottish fund Baillie Gifford's investments in multiple developers of electric vertical take-off and landing / eVTOL air taxis for passenger transport:
Part Four - 'Analysing Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Investment Strategies II' - looks at another investor active in the sector, but with an apparently quite different approach - Levitate Capital:
Part Five - 'Continental Competition in Advanced Air Mobility (AAM)' - analyses the geographic spread of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) activity, looking at different geopolitical drivers and front-runners:
Part Six - 'Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Deep-Dive: the Keiretsu are coming' - takes a close look at Japan, from where investment capital has flooded into the AAM sector, globally: